Steampunks in Manchester 2019
We discovered our inner and outer Steam Punks on a trip to Manchester…
Gravity Fields Festival Grantham Sept 2016
LED drums
Thoroughly enjoyed our parade through the town of…
Chiswick House Summer Fair
Samba junk drummers at Chiswick House Summer Fair
Our junk…
Stafford Half Marathon 2016
Clatteratti encourages runners at Stafford Half Marathon
Junk percussion by Clatteratti in Egypt 2015
Junk percussion by Clatteratti in Egypt 2015
Wow! that was fun…
Truck Fest!
Had a couple of great gigs recently, first our team made it all…
Stafford Marathon Drummers in 2015
Stafford Marathon Drummers 2015
We had a great team and great…
Clatteratti smashed it in Cairo!
The team has just come back from a successful and fun filled…
Impromptu workshop at Shuffle Festival
We had a great time playing at the Shuffle Festival…
New Photo
Always looking for an opportunity for a new image, we've got…